Workplace Environment
Fair Wages and Labor Laws
We require full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations dealing with wage-and-hour issues from our Third Parties. This includes issues of off-the-clock work, meal and rest breaks, overtime pay, termination pay, minimum-wage requirements, wages and hours of minors, and other subjects related to wage and hour practices in all jurisdictions where PALIG operates or where the third party services are being provided.
Non-discrimination & Harassment
We are committed to treating all employees fairly and with respect. We expect Third Parties to provide equal opportunities to their employees, agents, and subcontractors. This applies to all terms and conditions of employment. Discrimination based on age, race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, and veteran status or other protected classes is prohibited.
We are committed to providing a work environment free of all forms of harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment, which includes unwelcome behavior or advances and verbal taunting. We require our Third Parties to prohibit all types of harassment and take steps to mitigate harassment in the workplace.

Safe Environment
We expect Third Parties to comply with all applicable workplace safety and health laws in the jurisdictions where they operate. Third Parties should also provide a non-violent, safe work environment for their employees, agents, and subcontractors.
Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery, and Child Labor
Third Parties shall not engage in or support human trafficking or modern slavery, including forced, bonded or involuntary labor. Additionally, Third Parties shall not use child labor and shall employ individuals who meet the applicable minimum legal age requirement to work in the country or countries in which they operate.