Código de Conducta para Terceros
En Pan-American Life Insurance Group (PALIG), somos personas en las que puedes confiar toda la vida. Esta confianza se ha construido sobre nuestra larga tradición de operar con honestidad e integridad desde nuestra fundación en 1911.
Para mantener y fortalecer esta confianza, buscamos colaborar con Terceros que compartan nuestros valores y cumplan con altos estándares éticos. Este Código de Conducta proporciona orientación a nuestros Terceros sobre nuestros principios operativos y nuestras expectativas hacia ellos.
Nuestra reputación con asegurados, reguladores, el público y los Terceros es fundamental para nuestro éxito. Dicha reputación influye en nuestro negocio y, por lo tanto, es esencial que cada uno de nosotros la proteja cumpliendo con este Código.
La confianza que nuestros clientes tienen en nosotros es uno de nuestros activos más valiosos. Mantenemos esa confianza con tu cumplimiento y apoyo.
José S. Suquet
Presidente de la Junta Directiva y CEO
Pan-American Life Insurance Group (PALIG) believes a strong relationship with our Third Parties is the key to ensuring our company's success. The Third Party Code of Conduct was created to communicate our expectations in five value areas: Authenticity, Transparency, Accountability, Collaboration, and Integrity.
To ensure consistency and mutual commitment, we require that our Third Parties, including their employees, representatives, and subcontractors, comply with this Third Party Code of Conduct. This Code does not replace specific contractual requirements, but rather is intended to supplement our third-party contracts. If a contractual term is stricter than this Code, the Third Party must meet the stricter contractual requirement. Further, actions by a Third Party must be highly ethical regardless of whether the Code and/or the applicable contract specifically address a situation.
We are genuine and communicate openly, remaining true to one’s ideas, opinions, words and actions.
We are straightforward and open about everything we say, do and convey.
We take responsibility for our actions and honor commitments.
We believe in the power of working together to achieve common goals. Our contributions are thoughtful, intentional, proactive and empathic.
We are honest, ethical and build trust through principles judgment and responsible actions.
This Code applies to any entity or individual who provides services to PALIG and/or its subsidiaries/affiliates, including but not limited to producers, vendors, suppliers, agents, reinsurers, third party administrators, business partners, network providers, contractors, and subcontractors.
The Code does not cover every issue that may arise but sets out basic principles that must be adhered to in providing services or performing any activities on behalf of PALIG and its subsidiaries/affiliates.
Third Parties are expected to use their own best discretion to ensure compliance with topics outside of this Code.